Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Blogging is new to me. What's in a "blog"? The dictionary states that a blog is an online log for recording a journey or events.

On a literal journey, there are potential disasters. You hit a bump, get a flat tire, or break down in the middle of nowhere, but you don't decide the whole trip was a mistake and turn around to go home, do you? No. You fix that flat, have some lunch, and keep going. All the while, anticipating your grand destination.

The same is true in this journey of life. God knows we've all had our share of bumps and breakdowns! Loves lost, dreams crushed, set backs, mistakes, sickness, and worst of all death of someone you love. As for me, I've stood up, brushed myself off, and kept going. There'll always be bumps on this road. At least now, I swerve to miss 'em whenever possible!

Think back to a road trip where you wanted so badly to stop at that antique store (or mall), make a fifty mile detour to see the beach (or civil war battle ground), or take a break to skip stones in the creek along the road (or go skinny dipping!). Have you ever heard, "There's just no time"? When I'm traveling, it's not about the deadline to arrive, but the fun talking with my comrades on the trip, stopping to enjoy the scenery, and picking up some keepsakes along the way (daisies are my favorite). The drive of life is often cut short. So by all means, stop to enjoy those little things that make life the adventure it is.

Today, look at the person you love like you've never seen him (or her) before! Really, like it's the first time you've ever laid eyes on them. Your child, your mate, your sister, your best friend. You may see new qualities or ones you've missed just because you didn't stop to see. Can you see now how nice it is to slow down and "enjoy the scenery"?

To Blog LIFE: Enjoy, record, share, inspire.

Life is a journey...so, here I go...

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